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Tiger Tail - Sea Cucumber

Scientific Name: Holothuria thomasi
Species: Baseodiscus 
Other names: Sand Sifting Sea Cucumber.


The Tigertail Cucumber  is well known in the aquarium trade. They are brown with white 'thorns' and may grow to several feet in length. They should not be confused with the striped Holothuria thomasi from the Atlantic, also known as the Tigertail Cucumber. 

The Tiger Tail Sea Cucumber is one of nature's more exotic detritus eaters. With its brown body spotted with white and dressed in numerous spiny papillae, Holothuria sp. is also a visually stunning addition to the home aquarium. Since it is a very adept and agile scavenger, the Tiger Tail Sea Cucumber can clean detritus from beneath rockwork and difficult-to-clean tight corners.

Native to the oceans of the Indo-Pacific, this member of the Holothuriidae family can grow to impressive lengths of up to six feet long in the wild. In the home aquarium, however, most max out in length between 12" and 18" long. In general, keep only 3 inches of worm for every 20 gallons of aquarium water.
For best care, the Tiger Tail Sea Cucumber should be kept in larger systems with thick sand beds and rocky caves for shelter. The natural diet of the Tiger Tail Sea Cucumber consists of diatoms, microalgae, bacteria, meaty foods, and other detritus. Interestingly, the Tiger Tail Sea Cucumber is one of the few species that attaches its lower body to the inside of its shelter and only extends its anterior half when searching for food.
Like other Sea Cucumbers, Holothuria sp. has the potential to poison an aquarium. The chances of this happening are very rare unless the animal is accidentally sucked into an uncovered pump intake or overflow boxes.
Be sure to acclimate properly and house with appropriate inhabitants. The drip-acclimation method is recommended to minimize exposure to fluctuating water parameters. The Sea Cucumber cannot tolerate high nitrate levels or copper-based medications.
Due to seasonable availability, orders will be filled with one of two Holothuria speciesHolothuria hilla has a gray to chestnut-brown body, while Holothuria impatiens has a knobier appearance and is more pale in color.

Depth range: 3m down to 30m
Maximum Length: To 6.5' in the wild.

Distribution: Indo-Pacific.
Habitat: Lives on the coral reefs hidden in recesses and stretches its oral end out of its hiding place to sweep the reefs for food.


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